Anna Torv and Amy Smart
Amy Lysle Smart or Amy Smart as she is more commonly known, was born March 26, 1976 in Topanga California United States. Amy Smart belongs to the American citizen. Her zodiac sign is Aries. Amy has a age of 48. age, and stands 5 feet 6 inches in height (1.68 m) at present. She is as well a Christian. John Boden Smart & Judy Lysle Carrington is the title of her father and mother. Amy Smart was born into the same family, where her mother was curator of museums, and her father is a salesman. Amy Smart grew up in the years with her older sibling Adam Smart. When she was a young girl, Amy wanted to discover her creative side as far as was possible. Since she was raised by working parents, Amy became accustomed with loneliness. It helped her to become an artist of distinction. Also, she began dancing to cope with loneliness, which assisted her in overcoming stage fear. Amy is a highly educated lady. Amy's schooling and the name of her high school have not been disclosed. Her dedica...